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\ˈkäg-nÉ™-tiv ˈkÄ«n(d)-nÉ™s\


a generosity of spirit toward others’ minds and one’s own mind that proceeds from a fundamental valuing of our individual and collective cognitive abilities as among our most valuable resources


applying scientific understanding of how our minds work toward actions, approaches, and policies that ease and/or improve thinking 

being kind to minds
Our minds are among our most valuable individual and collective resources, including our amazing abilities to reason and understand, to imagine and create, to dream and design, to envision and enact. 
And yet we rarely consider — much less prioritize — the cultivation of our full cognitive potential.
We should, and we can.
cognitive kindness
​is powerfully informed by research and what it reveals about how our minds work, and thus likely to be powerfully effective
is about intentionally approaching what we do with one another’s thinking as a key consideration—perhaps the key consideration
At its best, cognitive kindness not only recognizes but respects, liberates,
and empowers the full cognitive potential of others. 
What might be possible,
if we're each more cognitively kind?

© 2021 Karen Yu

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